October 9, 2020
Virtual Tailgate Parties

Football and tailgate season is finally upon us! Most of us won’t get to enjoy the games from the stadium or even with friends and family, but there are ways to still celebrate together. Grab some game day snacks, the t-shirt of your favorite team and let’s plan a virtual tailgate party!
How can we make this a success?
Get the tech squared away:
- The lifeblood of any virtual hangout is the internet connection. How is yours? You need to be able to connect and remain connected throughout the festivities. One way to ensure a better connection is plugging your device directly to the modem. If wifi is still your preferred path, we suggest remaining near your router or adding wifi extenders through your house.
- What platform will you use? Zoom? Google hangouts? Microsoft teams? Make a group decision on which video chat service you will use and then create a calendar event. When you’ve got the event created, be sure to send out an invite to all of your friends. This way everybody has a link to join before kickoff!
Once you’ve got the basics covered of how and where you will watch the game, you can move on to the fun stuff. We suggest investing in the small details that make your friends and family feel like they’re with you.
Tailgate Snacks and Drinks:
Snacks and drinks are one of the best parts of game days! Usually you can all share in the yummy goodness, but nowadays you might have to get creative.
- Create a signature drink and snack and send out the recipes to all of your friends. Have each family make the featured foods so that you can all at least be sharing one similar item. Here are some of the best game day recipes:
Half Time Show
In order to make things a little more fun, plan some type of interactive game during the halftime show. You could do a couple rounds of trivia, have a contest for best game day spirit and everyone can take turns showing off their game day attire and decorations. Whatever you choose to do, make the most of the virtual tailgate by hanging out together – even if it is through a screen.
It’s definitely not the ideal situation, but you can’t let football season pass without some tailgates. Get your friends together, watch the game, and enjoy the time you get to spend together from a distance. Go team go!
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