April 14, 2020
Moving During Covid-19: What You Need to Know

Moving During Covid-19
Even with the social distancing and shelter in place precautions, real estate closings are still happening. Some quite creatively…think old fashioned car-hop style service-sitting in your car with paperwork delivered to you. If you find yourself moving during Covid-19, don’t stress. Here is what you need to know.
- Where Are You Moving? Check state and county websites for any precautions happening in your new town. Note any curfews set by the city also and plan times around them.
- Cleaning Your New Home: The cost of a deep cleaning crew may be much higher or even impossible to find right now. You may have to clean and sanitize it yourself before moving in. Think ahead on what supplies you will need since those supplies are limited right now and may be difficult to find. Here is a great article by Forbes detailing an interview with The American Cleaning Institute. You really want to focus on cleaning the surfaces that are most often touched.
- Check with Your Moving Company. Many moving companies have had to limit what they can do for the health and safety of their employees. A call in to them to see what kind of schedule they are running currently and what policies they have put in place for sanitation. They may also be offering incentives or discounts to book your move during this time also.
- Gloves or no gloves? While we see so many wearing gloves out in public, it is uncertain how much gloves would actually help in a moving situation. It is believed that gloves only create another surface for the virus to live on rather than actually preventing its spread. You are better off having easy access to soap and water for anyone working in your home. Encourage them to suds up often.
- Face Masks – The CDC has recently recommended that everyone wear some kind of cloth face mask in public. While the medical-grade masks (N95) are most effective, they are reserved for healthcare workers. Wearing a face mask during your move is not a bad idea. If nothing else it will offer a little bit of protection and hopefully keep you from touching your face. Check with your moving company to find out if they will be wearing masks as well. This article from the Washington Post shows you how to make a face mask and which materials are best.
- Think Ahead Even More – When moving during Covid-19, you want to think even more ahead than you normally would to account for the delay in getting our normal creature comforts. Have you made arrangements to have your internet and wifi set up? While internet companies are still doing new installs, some have refused to enter the home. You may be doing a bit of it yourself. (Don’t worry- they make it as simple as possible) Think also about the food you will need. In normal times you may toss a lot of your pantry goods knowing they are easy to replace, you may want to hang onto most of it under these circumstances.
- Don’t Get Overwhelmed – Moving itself is a very stressful thing to go through but moving in the middle of a pandemic is another level of stress. Things may be a little different and may take a little longer but it can be done. You will end up getting into your new home. It won’t work exactly like your previous move and you may have to do without some things for a while. Take it one step at a time. One day things will be normal again…hopefully sooner than later.
Your team at Method Mortgage is still hard at work and we are still making closings happen. Even during these hard times, we are committed to being your helpful roadmap and friendly guide. Contact us today so we can lead you to the smartest way home.